Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Waking up early has never been something I was too good at. I've always dreaded the time my alarm clock rings and have always been the type to delay my alarm clock to 5 minutes after. So it is with much sacrifice that I have found it in me to wake up this semester at 5:30 a.m to arrive to school on time. But then there are days like these, days where your professor decides to not show up. Usually I don't complain much, in fact I am not actually complaining at this moment because it is due to that same professor that I am able to get an advance on another assignment. However, if I wake up early to hear a long lecture on solar energy I would appreciate for my professor to be there or come on, give me a fair warning at least. There are still a number of us who dont mind sleeping. Im sure I come off as a grinch sometimes but it' s only because I the things everyone is thinking about but are to afraid speak up. Then again, I don't exactly mind missing out on one of his speeches again, in fact I am thrilled.

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