Monday, April 7, 2008

Suzanne Britt-Neat People vs. Sloppy People

I really enjoyed "Neat People vs. Sloppy People" by Suzanne Britt, mostly due to it's sarcasm. I consider myself to be in the "Neat People" category. I agree with some of the things said, for example the line "Neat people operate on two unvarying principles: Never handle any item twice, and throw everything away." To a certain extent I agree with that statement. Neat people are vicious with mail, that I agree with entirely, but why not, it makes sense to throw away all the propaganda you receive in the mail. One thing I do that contradicts what she says is keeping the receipts for sentimental reasons. I keep all my movie ticket stubs that mean something to me, but being neat I keep it all in the same box, that also includes birthday cards, Christmas cards, etc.

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